We got very excited today as we found a supermarket in a small town advertising a System Bolaget, a state run shop and the only way to buy wine, strong beer and spirits. Now our stocks so far have done really well but there are going to be wet days ahead I'm sure and scrabble just won't do it, so we rushed in in anticipation. The very nice lady told us that we could order whatever we wanted today (Monday) and it would be ready for collection on Friday..... What a strange country, back to the scrabble then. I'm told that this system for buying booze makes you think about what/how much you are drinking - too right!! Still it is improving I'm told as all alcohol was kept in locked glass cabinets, no fondling the hard stuff before you buy it.
Moving on, my next comment is on the birds. Now Doug loves them as we all know, but the little b........ stop singing around 2am and start again at 3am as it is light here for 24 hours a day. I am very fond of birds but there are some nights when a machine gun would be very handy. Sorry, that's cruel
So that's it for this time, who knows where the next wifi will be, tomorrow is another bird ramble as himself wants to find some elusive black woodpecker and an even more elusive crested tit!
Another fantastic campsite
An unknown beach
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