Wednesday 22 June 2011

Blog 2 – The Orkney’s

Arrived here safely, passing the Old Man of Hoy stack on the way. Stromness is an interesting town, all gray tiny houses tightly packed together, with a campsite on the point looking out over nearest islands. Weather still holding out. Rained a couple of times at night, and chilly always, but bright sunshine and good biking weather during the day so far. We have been lucky!!
Moved on to Birsay, far north of the Mainland and stayed in a practically empty campsite with views over the sea and cliffs. Walked across the causeway to the island of Brough of Birsay where I took the attached photos – they speak for themselves I think. Cycled and walked to a huge seabird colony at Marwick Head and there I saw my very first puffins and they are gorgeous. Spent hours watching them and all the other sea birds (too many to mention, anyway I sound like I am turning into a birder heaven help me....). Visited Skara Brae (oldest Neolithic village in Europe I'm told), Maes Howe (underground burial chamber), Standing Stones of Stenness (yep, old standing stone circle beating even Stonehenge in age), Ring of Brodgar (yet another stone circle) – so much history here,....Visited a fair few distilleries along the way as well. Thought about diving in Scapa Flow (for about 15 seconds before I realized how cold it would be..) Didn't realize that Lord Kitchener died there. Learnt that I am “peedie” after talking to an Orcadian, the only working miller on the Orkneys (it means I am short/small)! Stunning (and very unusual) silver jewelery here; one bottle of whiskey for himself equals one piece of aforementioned for me I reckon.
Both absolutely love the Orkneys and will be coming back, would like to see more of the other islands and perhaps take in the Shetlands at the same time. Very few people and even less traffic – bliss. Moving back to the mainland next, to a place called Dunnett Head
Brough of Birsay

Brough of Birsay 2

Old Man opf Hoy

Skara Brae

Standing Stones of Stenness

Sunset at Birsay

Typical Orkney view

Yep - a Puffin

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