Wednesday 22 June 2011

Blog 3 – Back on the Mainland

Spent our last night in the Orkneys in Kirkwall, the largest place here with a population of just 9,000 people! Forgot to mention that we bumped into Angela & Paul Brassley from Ilsington the day we arrived here – talk about a small world. - Angela was walking out of the shower as I walked in and, for once, I was lost for words... Didn't see them again until our last night (in Kirkwall) so we went out and celebrated with a lovely meal in town – great to have someone else to talk to for a change. Caught the (very small) catamaran ferry back to Gills Bay, spent a couple of nights at Dunnet Head, mainland Britain's most northerly point, not John O'Groats as most think) cycling and walking on deserted beaches. Weather been dry but windy and cold, hardly what you expect for late June but then we are in the Highlands. Not a midge in sight – have I just been lucky I ask myself?
Am writing this from a tiny campsite looking out over the still, quiet waters of Loch Naver. Doug got all excited as he spotted both red-throated and black-throated divers – I think the birders will understand his excitement???
Next stop – Rosemarkie on the banks of the Moray Firth.

Beware Otters Crossing road (not rats as original thought!)

D on Dunnet Beach

Kirkwall Harbour

Most Northerly Point in UK

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