Friday 11 June 2010

Blog 7 – Vikings, Lakes and more rain......

Has now rained for what seems forever so we are moving on every day in the hope of finding some dry weather. Today (11th) saw us learning about the 10c King Harald Bluetooth, who was known for his unification of previously warring tribes from Denmark and Norway, which included the then-Danish territory of Skane in Sweden. Skane is where modern Bluetooth technology was developed by the Swedish Company Ericsson. Bluetooth was likewise intended to unify different technologies and the logo merges Nordic symbols. Now there's something else I didn't know............
Heading for the Lake District and the highest point in Denmark – all 171m of it – and to Silkeborg to see the Tollund Man, a well-preserved body from around 220bc (probably better preserved than mine at the moment!) Incredible green lush countryside, travelling through endless fields of potatoes as I write this.

Ted meets an Elk!(which is more than Doug did)

Viking Longhouse

Viking Wench

Sunset somewhere

Nesting Kittiwakes (for the birders)

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