Saturday 19 June 2010

Blog 8 – Bog people, King Harald Bluetooth – a bit of culture.....

Yesterday saw us viewing the Tollund Man and Elling Woman – bodies found in the peat bogs near Silkeborg. Bit weird looking at a man in a glass case who is nearly 2500 years old - his head was almost shockingly well-preserved; his eyes and mouth were closed and he looked like someone sleeping. You could even see the stubble on his chin.... Sadly not much left of her but both had been hanged in what was thought to be sacrifical offerings.
The Danes do great museums if you can find them open! Spent the rest of the day wandering around the city, makes a change for us. Weather still wet.
Today (13th) it was the turn of Harald Bluetooth and the town of Jelling (A UNESCO Heritage Site) – all this culture is giving me a headache! King Gorm & Queen Thyre (Harald's parents) were buried in two mounds here and he erected two rune stones in their memory which are still here today.

Tollmund Man

2,500 yrs old - amazing eh?

Bluetooth's runes

Man searching for Lapwing

Aah - there she is....

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