Friday 11 June 2010

Blog 6 - Back in Denmark on Jutland

And its raining................ We are starting at the most northern tip of Jutland where the two seas at the top meet – the Kattegat and the Skagerrak – so you can put a foot in both seas if you so desire but you most definitely cant swim here, ferocious currents. This tip is the culmination of a long curving sweep of sand about 3km northeast of Skagen which is where I am writing this from. The beaches here are littered with German bunkers which seem impervious to both the elements and man trying to destroy them – apparently there are 700 of them dotted along the Danish coastline – ugly things!
Reading up on the local customs I came across this one – Always make eye contact with everyone around a table during a toast – its a breach of etiquette not to, and customs says it'll mean seven years of bad sex! I'm not saying anything......................
The Danes are also crazy about coffee and are said to be the biggest consumers (per capita) in the world although I reckon its ice-cream they love the best, it is everywhere and they eat it no matter what the temperature or time of day...

Leaving Gothenberg Harbour and Sweden

3 types of herring!

2 of the 700 bunkers along the Danish coast

Ibsen's Lady of the Sea!


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