Tuesday 2 March 2010

Blog 5 - Ups (and downs)!

Birding news first this time. Black chested buzzard eagles, torrent ducks, austral parakeets, black necked swans and the every present condors...
Lots of walking up and down mountains (or so my aching legs tell me)always with a lunchtime picnic with views of snow capped mountains reflected in crystal clear lakes which themselves are pure blue glacial melt water. Ok, I know, enough already with the adjectives - you get the picture? This place is just visually so stunning. Enjoying the company of other like-minded travellers - evenings are spent having food and wine in our "core domes" talking, laughing and comparing aches and travels! Lots of very serious trekkers here. We have two local guides who take us out each day, some people doing hard core stuff and others doing the softer option (which I didnt reckon were particularly soft....)we did some of each. Big excitement one evening on the way back to the domes was seeing a puma up close and personal, just by the side of the road, with its kill - a baby guanaco. Magnificent creature and as there are only 28 in the park we were very lucky to see one. Weather bright and sunny still - no sign of that Patagonian rain they kept warning us about - but the wind is very cold so the thermals have come in handy. Had a half day rest by going across Grey Lake to look at (yet more) glaciers.
Next stop Punto Arenas where we get a flight to Santiago.
Still having a great time.

Yup - stunning!

Only 2 at a time on this baby!

Cold but happy

More stunning scenery

and more.....

Yep - he's still here...

Look hard to spot the puma!

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