Tuesday 2 March 2010

Blog 4-Into Chile and beyond.......22nd February

A 5.30am start to drive across the Chilean border to Torres del Paine National Park- a UNESCO biosphere reserve with flocks of rheas (look like ostriches) condors everywhere (common as much here) and herds of wild guanocos (look like llamas).Windy as hell, it is hard to stand up straight and almost impossible to take a decent photo but of course we tried! Staying in ecodomes (en suite of course) which are all very environmentally sound - solar panels, composting loo, decor of fallen branches and everything madeof natural fibres. Fab. Our dome faces two massive granite peaks and a snow covered mountain. Wood burner and polar fleece sheets make me think it might be a bit nippy here at night. So, 3 days of trekking which might be hard as we are pretty unfit after a ??? weeks of food and wine. D is now determined to spot a tufted tit tyrant - where do they get these names? Weather still bright and sunny, but cold.

Dome Sweet Dome!!

View from my bed in aforementioned dome.

Dome and view together....

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