Wednesday 3 March 2010

Chilean Earthquake - Message from June

I'm writing this blog entry on behalf of Annie and Doug - primarily to let everyone know that they are ok. They arrived in Santiago one hour before the 8.8 earthquake so were in bed when it struck. Both are okay but very scared and spent the night out in the street due to lots of after shocks. Airport is closed. They feel very lucky to have been in a modern hotel with a strong structure. Annie said the only funny bit was Doug and she naked cowering under a table in the dark until the swaying stopped then they grabbed clothes and ran down four floors - she said 'it was not a pretty sight'!! There are sadly many dead but the only damage to her hotel was large cracks and lots of things broken. There is currently no email out of Chile so we are keeping in touch via text. When I asked her about 'where to from here' she said they may be able to get out tomorrow (Monday 1st March) to go to Easter Island so is watching TV for updates. We are on Tsunami watch in east coast Australia (and New Zealand) as waves are approaching, but only threat is expected to be on people out boating and rock fishermen - still, the impact is being felt a long way away! Will keep everyone informed as Annie sends texts. Love June

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