Sunday 22 February 2015

Blog 2 - First day on the road-Geysers and Waterfalls-and SNOW


Picked up the car and swiftly left Reykjavik heading Southwest and into the snow. Very bleak landscape, all our photos are black and white but it is beautiful in its own way! Visited the Pingvellir National Park, saw the Keno volcanic crater, then drove in sto the Geysir geothermal area where we stopped for a while and wandered amongst the geysers!! Ended the day at the beautiful (partly frozen) Gullfoss waterfall.First place in the world I have come across a paying toilet that took 100k (£1) off you or offered a credit card option!!!

Now ensconced in a hotel miles from anywhere ,,but it is overcast , so probably no northern lights tonight which is a shame as it would have been the perfect place to see them - no light pollution!

Some random photos ....




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