Sunday 7 March 2010

Blog 7 – The long journey home...........

Spent our last few days in Santiago just mooching around, luckily the weather was great and up in the high 20s..... Still extremely disappointed over Easter Island but I guess it was not to be on this occasion. Can't do much about earthquakes I guess. When you talk to the people who live here they are very stoic about them, they just shrug and hope that the next one wont be a big one!! Gradually as the old houses are replaced by new, modern buildings the death toll will get less but somehow I think that outside the city the houses will not be built as well as they are in the capital. Having said that, Chile is the most prosperous country in Latin America and it shows! Every day brings aftershocks which I have really grown to dislike, they still scare the hell out of me and we discovered a fairly large crack in our hotel room wall hidden by the wallpaper. Running your fingers along it you can feel it is pretty big so, as you can imagine, I am happy to be out of there.
Am writing this last blog on the final flight of our journey home which is turning into another marathon. Left Santiago around 9pm for a 12 ¾ hour flight to Madrid, then a 2hr wait, then 3hrs to London Heathrow then wait,m then 4 ½ by coach down to Devon – phew.
Really like Argentina, really really liked Patagonia – great trip - Doug will always be my hero for dragging me and Ted under that table when I was in a complete panic!!!
Thanks to everyone who sent us messages whilst in Santiago, we really did appreciate them. Hello to all the great people we met along the way - I know you are reading these - kep in touch eh?
Blog 8 is just some random photos we took.

Next trip – Scandinanvia in the campervan mid-May to mid-June.

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