Wednesday 3 March 2010

Blog 6 - Aftershocks and moving on....

Been here 5 days now and still trying to get out of the airport, which remains closed. Apparently the runway is fine but the terminal was pretty beaten up. Today we queued at the LAN airline offices hoping to confirm our flights on Friday so Easter Island is now no longer on the cards. Gutted. This would have been the highlight of the trip for me, but it was not to be. Still, we are ok and there is always another time eh?
Spent the last few days wandering around Santiago which, although nice, is a city you could see in a couple of days! The young people here seem to spend a lot of time "sucking face" as it is locally known, what you and I would call snogging!Everyone has been very friendly and helpful and I have to say I like Chile, it is a land of contrasts. Our walks are usually accompanied by a pack of friendly dogs who, although mangy and flea-ridden, appear to just want some company so pad along either in front or behind us chasing cars when they get bored with our company!

The hotel is now back in good running order although the walls downstairs in reception seem to be dripping which I suspect might be the pool from the 17th floor!!! Not much to talk about really, the weather has been hot and we have walked miles taking a few snaps as we go. We have not been to the areas where there is a lot of destruction, do not feel it would be right somehow.
Tonight as we were getting ready to go out and eat, we had another aftershock with the creaking and cracking noises and swaying lamps which took me straight back to Saturday night - think I want to come home now............

Damaged church near our hotel

View of Santiago from top of cerro san cristobal

Doug doing what Doug does so well.....

Plaza de Armas in centre of Santiago

Two of our walking companions, one in mid-scratch!

Our hotel lift notice which we took heed of.....

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