Wednesday 11 November 2009

A bit of Dallas other than shops-Blog 6

Yesterday we spent most of the day at the Aquarium which was fascinating. D finally got to see some birds and I got to see some fish so both very happy. Last night we ate in - Thai which Rachel cooked - very yummy. The weather is still warm and fine, no wind and no humidity, just about perfect. BBQ in the evening.

Today, our last here, we walked a part of the way around White Lake and finally saw the other kind of Americans - jogging, biking, power walking, skating. Sadly wish I could do any of the aforementioned, this trip has seen my waistline return to its pre-holiday diet size - very depressing. Never mind, I see it is all rain and wind back home, so, something to look forward to - oh, and the inevitable diet!

Flights has been cancelled by KLM so we are now flying with North West (??who) via Minniappolis with a long wait in Amersterdam. Never mind, it has been a good trip, and lovely to see Al and Rachel. Roll on Christmas I guess.

Till our next trip..............Adieu

Miss Ellie!

Steaks - Texan style!

Name Unkown at time of writing this-but pretty eh?

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