Monday 24 March 2008

Home Again (sadly.....)

Just read my last entry and it seems like ages ago! Thought perhaps I should round this trip up from the fireside back in cold old Blighty, just added some photos to this blog (on the previous postings)and we are now starting to plan the next trip. It was to have been Tibet but that seems to be a bit of no no at the moment, so back to the drawing board! We are off for a short trip to the island of Sark in early May, after that who knows......
After the last posting from Aguila de Osa Inn at Drake's Bay when I went diving (and fell in love all over again with all things aquatic at Cano Negro Island) we spent a day trekking through the Corcovado National Park with an excellent guide and another couple from Boston. It was extremely humid and I probably managed to sweat off another pound or so, decided against a dip in the freshwater waterfall (my fear of giardia being greater than my need to cool down....wimp I hear you mutter....)

Took a couple of kayaks out down the river from the Inn and have to say that was extremely sad to leave. It was just the most beautiful place, unspoilt and so full of amazing sights, sounds and smells. The fauna is stunning (sorry running out of adjectives again..........) and it seems strange to see so many plants that we nuture indoors at home thriving in abundance everywhere you look.
Left early morning by boat to the beach around the cove, transferred to a jeep to drive to the landing strip and "international" airport (see photo) and then by small plane - Nature Air - back to San Jose where we had one more day to mooch about before heading to the airport and home. The only other bit of vague excitement to round this trip off was that, due to the outrageously long time Passport Control kept us waiting to transit through Miami (2 1/2 hours again) we were upgraded to Business as Virgin had sold our seats and closed the gate! Very nice - sadly our bags didnt make the flight- but they turned up 2 days later at home (impressed with Virgin's service here must say....)

We met some interesting people on our travels and have exchanged the usual emails - who knows we might even get to meet some of them again somewhere sometime.....Hope this hasn't bored you too much......................

Annie (& Ted of course) xxx

and cheers until we meet again - Doug

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