Friday 5 January 2007

Back in Bickington!

Finally arrived home (28 hours to get here from Buenos Aires, via San Paulo in Brazil and Amsterdam) exhausted - slept for 16 hours straight! Washing machine going flat out, suitcase empty ready for a re-pack... Now I am trying to upload all the photos from my laptop to my computer which, unfortunately, is making horrid noises like it might die on me any minute. Had better burn said photos onto disk pronto otherwise I might lose them and then I would just have to do the whole trip again to replace them - how sad would I be???

Thanks to you all for your comments, emails and kind words - I have enjoyed writing the blog although I know my literary style leaves a lot to be desired - it was never meant to be a professional job and was written in extreme weather conditions sometimes, with one eye on the clock (moneywise that is).

Attached are some of my favourite photos so far, that haven't been uploaded already, and I promise to stop now....So until the next adventure.....

* Hello there..
* Iceberg
* Off Ronge Island
* Seal Pup (Royal Bay)
* King Penguin (Royal Bay)

Love Annie and Doug x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great snaps,a bit colder than Marrakech, eh ????? look forward to SA.xxJim