Sunday 31 December 2006

Back in the big city….

Friday 29 December
After the last very hasty blog from Ushuaia (when I think I got some dates, times, places etc wrong, sorry, but then after our crossing I was confused believe me). The flight here was uneventful other than we had seats next to a leaking toilet at the very back of the plane with a view out of the window of an engine – luckily it was only for 3 hours. I understand that McDonald Douglas stopped manufacturing donkey’s years ago and we later found out that the pilot (being only 26) was considerably younger than his plane!

However, I am now writing this retrospectively from the Rochester Hotel in Buenos Aires, lying in a huge, unmoving bed with a soft pillow and a cold beer by my side (oh, and Doug snoring gently….)

* Doug coming ashore
* Explorer off Planeau Island
* Gentoo penguin

Last Tango in Buenos Aires…. Saturday 30 December
It was extremely weird to go from freezing temperatures up to +30 with very high humidity so yesterday we mooched about the shops before heading out to an area called La Boca. This was the original dockyard district where mainly Italians and Spanish immigrants first arrived in BA. It is famous for its coloured tin houses, street tango dancers and Diego Maradonna, their most famous son. Now I thought tango was supposed to be sexy but in some cases the imagination is stretched somewhat as I gather there is no “retirement” age for these dancers! Having said that, they dance the tango a damn sight better than I can…. In the evening we went to a wine tasting (Doug has now decided we need to come back to Argentina to see more of the wine regions!!!) and ended up at a proper tango show and yes, it was very very sexy….

* Home for the last few weeks
* Me at the top of the World

Our last night and New Year’s Eve…. Sunday 31 December
Today the temperature hit +35 and I got my nose burnt! Headed out to San Telmo where they have a Sunday antiques market and Doug was in seventh heaven haggling over old corkscrews – sigh – it was just like being back at Westpoint only considerably hotter and no-one spoke English. Having said that, they understood “what’s your best price please?” and yes, he bought one.

I am now being told to get ready as we are off out to see Daniel Barenboim (I’m told he is world-famous but can’t say I have heard of him as yet) who is giving a free outdoor concert in the city centre. The police have closed the Avenue de Nine de Julio (remember that 16 or so lane freeway I told you about our crossing back at the beginning of our trip which scared us witless?) and thousands are expected to turn up. So looks like that is where we will be at midnight. We fly out at lunchtime tomorrow so the next blog will be to let you know that we arrived home safely and I will try continuing it after the 22 January when I head off to South Africa for a “girls” trip to Cape Town! Yes, I am a lucky girl; we have had the most wonderful trip to round up a truly memorable year.

* Not all snow is white or blue!
* Penguins and flag at Port Lockroy

Will be in touch with you all soon – Happy New Year!!
Annie & Doug x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your blue wellies & coat in your "top of the world" pic - you blended beautifully with your surroundings (although I'm not sure you were supposed to blend in!) Happy New Year. Chat soon.
Love June, Keith & Stuart xx