Monday 11 December 2006

Ushuiai, Tierra de Fuego National Park and The Little Red Ship.....

Left Buenos Aires at 6.30am yesterday and are now in Ushuaia, the southern-most city in the world.

Met up with our group which are 10 in total, meeting the other 80 this afternoon - no other Brits so far but a multitude of nationalities were on the flight so I guess this apply to the little red ship as The Explorer is called. For the technos amongst you this ship is registered in Liberia (no surprise there!), built in Finland (so tis sturdy then) cruises at 11 knots (avoiding icebergs we hope) and has 100 passengers and 55 crew (good ratio we reckon) - that´s enough.

We had a half day trip to the only coastal national park in Argentina, Tierra del Fuego and after writing this we join the ship and head through the Beagle Channel and into the Southern Ocean.

Apparently on board there are email facilities but rumour has it we are charged to send and receive so I guess I should ask you all to only either post comments on the blog or send emails only if urgent or there is something you think we might need to know (like the world is coming to an end, stay where you are.....) I also don't think I can send photos so again, sorry they will have to wait until we return to BA.

For the birdy people out there, Doug has asked me to report that he has seen a Steamer Duck, Great Shrike Tyrant, Spectacle Duck, Rufus-Collared Sparrow, Upperland Goose and Blackfaced Ibis! Phew!!!

Next stop the Falklands Island (after stopping at the supermarket to fill up day bags with booze for when cabin fever hits (if ever...)

Temperature is now down around zero and snowy - splendid scenery all mountainous with choppy grey sea, very excited that we are finally leaving.... Wearing all thermals..... !

From the bottom of the world ... Love Annie and Doug

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie & Doug, I have caught someone's germs and have a rotten cold. Needless to say when I rang the hospital today they said that no way would they give me an anaesthetic whilst I had a cold. The person that I spoke to said that she would try to get another appointment in January. Please give my love to the penguins!!! Dad