Wednesday 27 December 2006

Tuesday 26 Dec - Boxing Day...

We were up early yesterday going through the Lemaire Channel and into a white paradise. We took a zodiac ride through the icebergs, saw small ones carving into the sea. In the afternoon we went to Port Lockroy on Goudier Island which was a tiny island manned for 3 months of the year by 3 people who studied penguins (what else) and had re-created an old whaling hut as a museum - very interesting. For Christmas dinner we anchored in Foyn Harbour in the evening and the whole meal was very weird, usual stuff, lots of booze and beautiful views out the window of glaciers and icebergs - and it snowed heavily. Perfect. This morning we got up early and were supposed to go out for a last zodiac ride followed by a final landing on the ice but the weather had broken and the snow was so heavy you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. We moved down the coast to Enterprise Island in the hope of getting back on schedule but by now the snow was landing on the sea and not melting - the strangest sight. By this time the sea was getting rough, so Doug went to a lecture on Huskies (?) and I went to my bed.

As I write this the sea is getting very very rough, no more landings and we are heading home to Ushuaia, have to say after being as sick as a dog all afternoon I don't care. As I write this, after trying to force some dinner down, Aaron our expedition leader has just come on the PA to tell us that the captain has slowed down whilst we eat, but the weather forecast is bad and that whilst those that can eat, do, the crew are battening down the hatches for a very rough crossing around Cape Horn and into the Drakes Passage. 2 days of atrocious weather in one of the roughest sea passages in the world - can’t wait! This may be my last blog - if they can prise me out of my bunk in Ushuaia I will continue when I get to BA. Feeling very poorly now, can’t write more, hope the above makes sense.

Love Annie & Doug xxx

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