Sunday 31 December 2000

Blog 3 - Jekyll Island

Got as far as Jekyll Island (Cumberland Island is further down South)
and stopped. It was too beautiful to miss so we have been here nearly 3 days and Doug finally found some birds.....Found a nice hotel/motel right on the beach and as its low season we have a suite which is almost as big as our house! Yesterday it rained and we thought about moving on, but today the sun was shining again and it's back to warm and humid, so here we sit for a while longer.
Doug managed to find a bird lady who took him on a 3 hour Birding trip whilst I mooched about and played cards (as they say here). This means the man does whatever it is he is interested in (golf, birds, whatever) and the ladies play cards, which is Visa, MasterCard etc. You get the picture? Met some very interesting ladies and I have to say that we have found almost everyone here in the South extremely friendly and happy to talk about anything and everything.
Its great having a hire car, but this one is a bit scary. Today we we're trying to find an internal light to read the map by to find our way home, and after pushing every button we could find (no such thing as an instruction manual in this baby) we managed to get "Earl" on an emergency number asking us which service we required and what was the nature of our problem!! It was on the tip of my tongue to say we can't find the reading light in our hire car, but somehow I don't think he would have appreciated it... So we apologised profusely in our best British accents and he cleared our call and reset whatever it is in our car - we are both now terrified to touch any button.....

Saw our first alligator today and here are a flock of Black Skimmers and Royal Terns taken by you know who....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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