Sunday 23 May 2010

Blog 1 - Two go camping in Denmark and Sweden....

18th-22 May 2010
Drove to Harwich and caught the ferry across to Esbjerg in Denmark. Spent time travelling either sleeping and reading up on places to visit.
Think the Sneglehuset might be a first for us – a house decorated with millions of shells and housing Denmark's largest exhibition of snails, slugs and bottleships – snails and slugs exhibition – whatever next!!!! This I HAVE to see...........
Had our first fright at the prices awaiting us – beer was £4 for a very small bottle!!! Denmark seems to be made up of 3 islands joined together by bridges and we plan to travel across to Sweden as quickly as possible, go up as far as we want then travel slowly back down and spend more time in Denmark on the way back. Weather sunny and warm, people friendly, roads great, countryside flat, green and very very clean!
Not much else to report, been out on the bikes, D looking at birds (as usual) seen lots of redbacked shrike (which got him all excited) campsites good. Having just learnt to say hello and goodbye in Danish, now have to learn same in Swedish (not much different as far as I can see...) Crossing a mega-expensive, mega-long bridge today into Sweden and heading for a place called Malmo or Ystad (Wallander country) to try and find a spot to stop for a few days!

Campie in the sunshine

Ribe Village in Denmark

House on Fyns Hoved Peninsula

Danish icecream!!


Swedish beach sculpture

Ystad Sweden

More Ystad (Wallander's town)

Himself and a Tuborg...

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