Sunday 5 October 2008

Bangkok to Laos to Hanoi

5th October
(route for Trip 2)

Not much to write about at the moment - it is election time here in Bangkok and there is no alcohol on sale for 2 whole days - how will we cope!!! It is amazingly hot (38 and counting and the humidity is about 80% I'm told - too much for me as I sit writing this on a street corner somewhere near the hotel where we are staying!!!)

We arrived back in Bangkok a couple of days ago after another overnight train journey after catching the ferry from the islands back to the mainland. The group has finally dispersed and tonight we start all over again on another 2 weeks on the road. Friends Sheila and Bob arrived yesterday afternoon so it would have been celebrations all round and crack open the beer, but sadly no.... Managed a gin and tonic which had to look like a Sprite which was sneaky. Makes us sound like alkies but it seems to be the only way to keep cool (or so I keep telling myself, don't ever drink beer at home...) Sorry to see them all go, they were fun.
Bangkok wiring - interesting eh???

Next stop is Chiang Mai (Marilyn I will be looking for that necklace...). To get there is ANOTHER overnight train trip, let's hope we can sleep on this one. Feeling pretty drained, the weather is soporific... So watch this space............

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